TMS Exclusive Seminar - Photos and Seminar Presentation Slides

Group Photo 

"Lysimeters - Why and How do they work ?" by Georg Von Unold from UMS, Germany

"Soil Chemistry : Pore Water Sampler" by Georg Von Unold from UMS, Germany

"Tensiometry : Field Innovation and Application" by Georg Von Unold from UMS, Germany

"KSAT - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils" by Georg Von Unold from UMS, Germany

"HYPROP - Measuring Hydraulic Properties in Soils" by Georg Von Unold from UMS, Germany

"Soil Water Potential Measurement" by Dr. Colin S. Campbell  from Decagon Devices, Inc, USA

"Decagon Product Overview" by Matt Galloway from Decagon Devices, Inc, USA