08.05.2013 Seminar - Environment Monitoring & Water Management in Agriculture

TMS Exclusive Seminar

Environment Monitoring & Water Management in Agriculture
 8th May, 2013
Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort
 8:30am - 9:00 am   Arrival & Registration
 9:00am - 9:15 am   Introduction
 9:15am-10:15 am   Session 1 : Decagon Devices Inc.  (Matt Galloway)
10:15am-10:45 am   Tea Break
10:45am-12:15 pm  Session 2: Decagon Devices Inc. (Dr. Colin Campbell)
12:15pm-12:30pm  Q&A / Quiz
12:30pm-12:45 pm  Group Photo
12:45pm- 2:00 pm   Lunch
 2:00pm- 3:15 pm   Session 3: UMS GmbH (Martin Nallepa)
 3:15pm- 3:30 pm   Short Break (Games Card)
 3:30pm- 4:45 pm   Session 4: UMS GmbH (Georg Von Unold)
 4:45pm- 5:00 pm   Award Presentation & Closing    
* Certificate of Participation will be given to participants that have accomplished the full day event

This is an exclusive seminar with our distinguished speakers from two specialized environment monitoring devices manufactures: 

Decagon Devices Inc., USA 
UMS GmbH , Germany 

Map to Palm Garden Hotel 

For more inquiry, please email to event@tms-lab.com
or Contact : Mr. Joseph at 012-389 6706